Save Kingswood Golf Course
The Central Park in Dingley Village
Green Wedge
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From the Herald-Sun, June 25th, 2018
These issues apply equally to Kingswood Golf Course, which is bounded by Green Wedge and Council wants kept for recreational use.
Threat to wedge
Urban sprawl puts peninsula's green zones under pressure
JOHN MASANAUSKAS, Herald-Sun, June 25, 2018 A SENIOR federal govemment minister has called for the protection of green wedges on the Momington Peninsula amid rapid population growth.
Health Minister Greg Hunt said that urban expansion was putting the environmental zones under pressure. "A proactive approach is needed to manage these pressures appropriately and to ensure the scenic and natural qualities of these areas are not eroded over time," he said. Mr Hunt, who lives in the region and represents the local federal seat of Flinders, attended a forum yesterday to discuss the impact on green wedges. Urban expert and RMIT University emeritus professor Michael Buxton said that although green wedges were set aside as non-urban land in the planning scheme, they were subject to intense pressure for urban development. "These competing pressures can range from urban development; hobby farms, tourism, intensive agriculture, and infrastructure as green wedge areas through design are close to the metropolitan areas of Melbourne," he said. Prof Buxton lashed out at state government planning changes which he said allowed "three-storey McMansions" to be built on a quarter of housing sites on fhe peninsula. "This is a repeat of the same height strategy in suburban Melbourne that has led to a major surge in large oversized housing taking up all of the housing allotment and dwarfing the neighbours," he said. "This ultimately sees the disappearance of trees in urban areas and loss neighbourhood environment' and amenity (and) could lead to major urbanisation on the boundaries of the green wedge." Hosting yesterday's forum, Mornington Peninsula Shire Mayor Bryan Payne said the 51,204ha green-wedges comprised 70 per cent of the municipality and included Arthurs Seat, Red Hill, Balnarring, Point Leo and Moorooduc. The council released a management plan for green wedges to "protect the landscape and opportunities for agriculture, rural living and conservation”.
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