Do NOT use or connect to supply. This electrical equipment may be faulty and should be inspected and tested by a competent person in accordance with AS/NZS3760.
1/ Once lot numbers have been allocated we do not want to see any cancellations or changes as this can start of a messy chain reaction where in some instances all vendors have to change lot numbers. Your anticipated co-operation is greatly appreciated.
2/ Members only auction.
3/ The HRSA is a registered not for profit and Government rules include
Members cannot buy and sell for profit. Acceptable exceptions may
include downsizing to move into retirement, deceased estates,
Member to Member selling and “value-adding” like restoration.
If in doubt, contact us.
Set up time for sellers commences at 9 AM finishes 10.45
Viewing commences 11AM
Auction commences 12 noon.
Melbourne November 17th 2018
Monthly Meeting, Sale and Auction
At Ashburton. Many spares for sale and some radios Auctioned. No Mini-Auction.
Inspection and Opening times TBA
Melbourne Saturday December 1st 2018
Melbourne Saturday December 1st 2018
Bill's Garden Party,
Great fun and super cheap Sale
Opens at 12pm
Sausages in bread and other food provided!
HRSA Canberra Events
One of our best-attended and most congenial meetings. It’s the final for the year.
Wives/partners/friends are warmly welcome, to join in BBQ and socialising as well as a great auction in the old woolshed. Details are as follows:
WHERE: On the farm
WHEN: Saturday November 3, any time from 10am.
WHAT: Bring all that good gear to the auction. There will be a freebie table for junk.
• From 10am - Set-up, yarn, BBQ - We supply BBQs, bread/rolls, salads, sauces, tea/coffee at $5/head. You bring your own meat & alcohol.
• 12.45pm - Auction. 7 entries p/p, good enough for $5 opening bid
• 2.30pm - finito. Details: 62 382 246.
For directions email Richard direct by clicking on the email symbol below
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