The Historical Radio Society of Australia HRSA
Incorporated in Victoria A22838K
The Historical Radio Society of Australia has 1,200 members who collect and restore old radios, typically from the 1920s to 1960s.
Members enjoy advice, circuits, access to 50,000 valves, Meetings, Sales, Auctions, Events and a superb 64 page full-colour quarterly Magazine.
Membership is just $40 a year, including the circuit service, access to member's only events and the quarterly colour magazine.
Enquiries: 03 9558 3652
HRSA website attack by a hacker - we are working on it.
Radio Waves Magazine
The magazine has features on how radios were restored by members, circuits, a huge classifieds section for obtaining parts, radios, and anything radio-related, events, news and much more.
HRSA Melbourne Events
Melbourne Sale and Mini Auction, November 17th
There’s a unique opportunity on Saturday 17-11-2018) to come to our regular meeting hall in Ashburton where a big Radio parts and Radios sale is being held. All from one vendor and very low prices, as they must sell everything!
There's also a Mini-Auction of selected radios from the same collection. (So don’t bring your things this time.)
Starts at 12 noon with a quick meeting, then onto sales.
Where? St Michaels Primary School Hall, The Corner of Victory Boulevard and High street, Ashburton.
There’s parking in the grounds and also in the Church car park across the road - if they don’t have an event on.
Enjoy the usual afternoon tea. No lunch supplied, so please shop on your way, or its a short walk to cafes in High street.
Financial Members only
Past event Melbourne Auction, November 3rd
At Stirling Theological College 44-60 Jacksons Road Mulgrave
Viewing at 11, Auction at 12 noon. Food available - we suggest you order before the Auction starts. Click on the email logo for Michael Justins email. The Auction is now full.
Click HERE for the Auction List.
Please ensure that any mains operated item working or not is labelled with the following warning sticker before the goods are brought to the auction.
WARNING ELECTRICAL SAFETY ACT 1998 SECOND-HAND. Do NOT use or connect to supply. This electrical equipment may be faulty and should be inspected and tested by a competent person in accordance with AS/NZS3760.
Notes: 1/ Once lot numbers have been allocated we do not want to see any cancellations or changes as this can start of a messy chain reaction where in some instances all vendors have to change lot numbers. Your anticipated co-operation is greatly appreciated. 2/ Members only auction. 3/ The HRSA is a registered not for profit and Government rules include Members cannot buy and sell for profit. Acceptable exceptions may include downsizing to move into retirement, deceased estates, Member to Member selling and “value-adding” like restoration. If in doubt, contact us. Set up time for sellers commences at 9 AM finishes 10.45 Viewing commences 11AM Auction commences 12 noon.
Melbourne November 17th 2018
Monthly Meeting, Sale and Auction At Ashburton. Many spares for sale and some radios Auctioned. No Mini-Auction. Inspection and Opening times TBA
Melbourne Saturday December 1st 2018
Melbourne Saturday December 1st 2018 Bill's Garden Party, Great fun and super cheap Sale Opens at 12pm Sausages in bread and other food provided!
HRSA Canberra Events
One of our best-attended and most congenial meetings. It’s the final for the year.
Wives/partners/friends are warmly welcome, to join in BBQ and socialising as well as a great auction in the old woolshed. Details are as follows:
WHERE: On the farm
WHEN: Saturday November 3, any time from 10am.
WHAT: Bring all that good gear to the auction. There will be a freebie table for junk.
PROGRAM: • From 10am - Set-up, yarn, BBQ - We supply BBQs, bread/rolls, salads, sauces, tea/coffee at $5/head. You bring your own meat & alcohol. • 12.45pm - Auction. 7 entries p/p, good enough for $5 opening bid • 2.30pm - finito. Details: 62 382 246.
For directions email Richard direct by clicking on the email symbol below
The Historical Radio Society of Australia 35th Anniversary was held in 2017. The next Anniversary is in Canberra.
The open day for the public was:
Sunday April 9th, between 10am and 2pm at the Kingston City Hall
Corner of Nepean highway and South roads, Moorabbin, Vic
Previously known as the Moorabbin Town Hall.
Becoming a member is easy and very low cost.
The HRSA encourages people with an interest in vintage radio to join the Society. At just $40 a year, including the quarterly colour magazine, access to circuits and 50,000 valves plus parts and so much more, like monthly meetings and regular auctions, the HRSA has to be the best value.
Yes, that’s not a typo, the Society has over 50,000 valves available for members, in an era when valves are often considered “as scarce as hen’s teeth”.
Click on the HRSA logo (left) for Membership details.
Members were able to join the HRSA for their 35th Anniversary Radiofest for three days at the magnificent Kingston Town Hall, Moorabbin, Victoria on April 7, 8, 9, 2017.
Members - Visit this page regularly for more details
Member's Programme. Watch for updates
Conditions of entry to the event, all days, members and public.
Click on the links below for Member's Newsletters
The Historical Radio Society of Australia (HRSA) is Australia's largest Vintage Radio Society.
Over 1,200 members around Australia and the world enjoy collecting old radios, often restoring them to like new.
The Society also has an exceptional 64 page colour magazine quarterly.