Save Kingswood Golf Course

The Central Park in Dingley Village

Save Kingswood Golf Course from Destruction
Say NO to Rezoning,
Say NO to Subdivision,
Say NO to Residential Over-Development    

December 2024 update

Hello Residents
Very important information about Kingswood.
It’s not over until the bulldozers demolish our park spreading dust and flora and fauna.

The Kingswood Park was re-sold to other developers named Satterley. It has not changed hands yet as the contract finalises in March 2026. It’s very likely on that day the bulldozers will start.

This new Perth based developer has a reputation of building reasonably nice developments.
BUT there are reasons why they cannot do anything reasonable in Dingley Village.
For a start the developer paid way too much to not oversaturate/over densify the golf course park. In fact recently the developer said “it could be 2000 lots”. That was said in front of two hundred Dingley Village residents.

I expect they will say that was a throwaway line, but we were not laughing and many a true word said in jest. Given that the government has stomped on so many time honoured rules and development guidelines there is a real fear that to achieve up to 2000. Lots, the only way is up. Will there be housing towers?
If you follow the media who are often the voice of the government there is more than enough clues.

The Developer even concedes that Dingley Village will still flood after they finish.


The developers say there will not be many three storey units, when they are permitted to infill the entire park with three storey. Do you believe them?

It's time to get political

Dingley Village would not be ruined if not for the Jacinta Alan AUTOCRATIC government stomping on 8000 objections and the wishes of 10,000 residents.

Things happen so quickly with this on-the-fly government that you have to keep up.

Some have said residents will be consulted, but missed the later announcement: Ms Alan has already announced there will be 800 units on Kingswood. (see the proof in the link below)

Recently the developer said in front of 200 people “it could be 2000 lots”.
Why are they so cocky?
We know the developer has met with the government, Melbourne Water, and Council , developing their plans.

This is no time to throw the towel in and be complacent.
There are 40 reasons (see link) why Dingley Village will be decimated plus there is another 200 three storey units now permitted around the shops.
This is purely due to government action so tell Labor to stop and you will remember that at the next election.

Please respond with your thoughts.

You can help
by reading these documents and
telling politicians you don’t want what they are plotting.

More housing is needed, but not on floodplains.
Kingston Council has already said they have enough sites without destroying the Kingswood urban Forest.
Please also remember Council has been incredibly helpful, unlike government.

We are looking for a few more Save Kingswood members

so please email me if you’d like to join. It can be just moments of your time or as much as you like. Every bit helps.
Without key helpers/team members, there would be no enlarged Retarding Dam. It’s not enough, but will help us all to avoid living in houseboats.

Even supportive feedback is great to remind us that the quest is worthwhile.

HERE to email Click HERE to email Save Kingswood

The link with the red border below shows the developer is half a billion litres WRONG.
FLOODS file two 4-12-24

Write to council about your concerns. Please note Kingston Council have helped us for years, and are now hamstrung by the Allan Government, so please be respectful. The email link goes to all Councillors.
Click HERE

Click on the LINK below for a list of politicians to contact and express your views

Click HERE for Political email lists

⚠️ Municipal councils fear state government’s moves to grab power over local planning decisions in a bid to provide an extra million homes by 2050 will be disastrous for local amenity.

We met with our State Minister, Meng Heang Tak on May 11th 2023 to discuss Kingswood.

From the Star News, Nov 22nd 2022

It is insane and undemocratic to have council spend nearly a year intensely examining plans, rejecting them all, then a SINGLE MINISTER overrides Council and 8,000 objections

We thank
• Meng Tak MP
• Clare O'Neil MP
• Mark Dreyfus MP
• Martin Pakula MP
• Inga Peulich MLC
• Nina Springle, MP
For their support and making their views known.

Even the former Planning Minister Wynne said "planning outcomes were better when the voice of the community is heard”.

Objection period has closed

Click on the links below for more
CLICK HERE for the latest on the Leader cover

The Leader Sept. 5, 2018

Text from above article:

Thousands fight estate
Mass fight to halt 760-house development at golf course
Lucy Callander

ABOUT 7000 people have lodged an objection to plans for 760 houses on a former golf course — the most Kingston Council has ever received on a single issue.

The Save Kingswood Group, which has been fighting plans for the rezoning and redevelopment of the Dingley Village site for years, said they had already delivered 6000 objections to the council and estimated another 500 had been lodged independently.

“By cut off we would have had 7,000 objections,” the group’s secretary Kevin Poulter said.

Mr Poulter said it was “most likely the most objections for a development of this type in Victoria’s history."

Kingston’s Planning and Development General Manager Jonathan Guttmann confirmed that late last week more than 6500 submissions had been lodged about the proposal, a record number for a single issue.

Save Kingswood stepped up its long running campaign about six weeks ago with members running stalls at supermarkets and the Dingley Village Farmers Market.

Businesses and residents have also been posting “say no” signs around the suburb and a recent Save Kingswood meeting attracted more than 400 people.

Property fund giant ISPT bought the 53.4ha site in 2014 for $125 million and developer ASRP1 wants to build a minimum of 760 dwellings on the site.

Save Kingswood had raised concerns about a lack of schools, roads and sporting facilities, and the fact that the site was flood prone.

Mr Poulter said the group wanted the State Government to buy the land and keep it as open space incorporating a wildlife sanctuary and playing fields.

Keysborough State Labor MP Martin Pakula,
Liberal candidate for Keysborough Darrel Taylor,
Hotham MP Clare O’Neil,
Isaacs Federal MP Mark Dreyfus,
Liberal Member for South Eastern Metropolitan Region Peulich MLC,
and Greens Member for South Eastern Metropolitan Region Nina Springle,
have all publicly expressed concern about the plans.

The project spokeswoman Anna Martiniello told the Leader their proposal was “very detailed and meets all the performance requirements sought by council officers”.

“The proposal as presented will unlock previously private recreational and living space in the heart of Dingley Village, Ms Martiniello said."

It is likely an independent planning panel will hear submissions and make recommendations to Kingston Council.

Regardless of that outcome, Planning Minister Richard Wynne has the final say.

There is ZERO Net Community Benefit for Dingley Village.

Based on 2016 Census comparisons we calculate that household and population density on the proposed site will be more than double that of Dingley Village today, massively changing the character of our Village. Council tells us that the site will generate another 6,800 vehicle movements a day with 680 per peak hour. How could that possibly work? Centre Dandenong Road, Howard Rd; Spring road and Tootal Rd. are already choked over both extended peak times. Hawthorn Football Club and the Aqua Park are bringing more traffic.

An actual photograph of Centre Dandenong road when traffic was disrupted nearby. Future shock!
When asked how long a motorist had taken to go through Dingley Village, he replied "one hour"!!
Centre Dandenong road is only a single lane each way, despite traffic trying to make two lanes where possible.
When Vic Roads tried to make Centre Dandenong road have Bus Lanes, two surveys - one by council - resulted in a 94 percent resounding NO!
The developer had the audacity to title our road an Arterial.

There is ZERO Net Community Benefit for Dingley Village.

The Kingswood Golf Course Park is not zoned residential.

Our consulting Architect said:
"A reckless purchase by a developer should not be a burden on the entire Village."

All State and Federal Politicians responsible for our area support Dingley Village in their objection to rezoning.
Mark Dreyfus statement on the Kingswood Golf Course ...

Dingley Village is a fantastic community, but it has limited public transport options and the proposed development of Peninsula Kingswood Golf Club would clearly create significant road congestion and change the village feel of the community.

I’ve met with members of the Save Kingswood group and spoken to many Dingley Village residents about this matter. It is clear to me that this proposed development is not right for Dingley Village and the planning scheme amendment application should be rejected.

Developers should not assume that when they buy special use-zoned land it will be re-zoned as a formality. That is not how planning should work.

This is a fight that can be won. I have made a submission to council opposing this proposed planning scheme amendment and I encourage Dingley Village residents to do the same.

The community feel of Dingley Village matters. This development should be rejected and the land retained for open space for generations to come.

Click HERE for his full statement

Clare O'Neil said ...
"Dingley Village is a wonderful community, and its residents are proud, passionate and protective of their town.

As the Federal Member for this area, I took part in this conversation and I heard from residents about their concerns about this project. Residents are rightly concerned about a one-third increase to the local population, children being turned away from full kindergartens and primary schools, and increased traffic on local roads.

I will continue to work closely with this community, local State Member Martin Pakula and the City of Kingston council to ensure that we get an outcome that reflects the interests of this terrific community."

Click HERE for Clare's video outside the Golf Course

Click HERE for Clare's video report after a Village meeting

Martin Pakula said ...

"This is the single big issue for Dingley Village."
Victorian Attorney-General and member for Keysborough Martin Pakula said the Dingley community “have raised legitimate concerns over the future of the Kingswood golf course site”.

“I understand its [the golf course’s] significance, not only environmentally but as the heart of Dingley that has been enjoyed by local families for generations.”

The Kingswood Golf Club controversially merged with Frankston’s Peninsula Golf Club in 2013 leading to the sale of the 53-hectare Dingley Village golf course.

ISPT paid $125 million, well over the $80 million market value, for the land. The fund manager has a history of buying land for property development.

I will be calling on Kingston Council to run a thorough consultation process that takes the community’s concerns seriously,” Mr Pakula said.

From Inga Peulich in Hansard ...
in relation to the merger — many in the Dingley Village area would call it a takeover — of the Kingswood Golf Club by the Peninsula Country Golf Club. We all know the sand belt is an area rich in golf clubs, and there are many such clubs around the state. I think the precedent that has emerged from this takeover has potential to cause a substantial loss of open space across Victoria and in particular across the area that I represent.

I ask the minister to review the matter and to investigate what action can be taken in order to send a very loud message to other clubs that they cannot pillage and hijack land for the purposes of making a profit by manipulating or disregarding the rules and engaging in these hostile tactics of takeovers of valuable open space at our clubs.

Nina Springle MP
Member of the Victorian Legislative Council for South Eastern Metropolitan Region
Deputy Leader of the Victorian Greens

Tuesday 13 August 2018

Having grown up in the South-Eastern suburbs of Melbourne and with family living locally in Dingley Village, I have been a regular visitor to the suburb my entire life.

It is indisputable that Dingley Village has a character that is unique and a sense of community that has been developed by its
residents over many decades. This sense of community is under attack by the proposed inappropriate development of the Kingswood Golf Course.

Many residents of Dingley Village feel rightly aggrieved by the way in which the merger of the golf club transpired.

The proposed high-density development is a further blow to the community. As it stands, the golf club is a precious piece of green space. To develop this open space into hundreds of units is harmful to our environment and community amenity. To do so without adequate provision for new infrastructure - particularly public transport - is reckless and fails to respect the current citizens of the area.

Once green space is lost, it never comes back.

Kingston Council would be doing its residents a disservice by approving of this development.

Darrel Taylor ...
As the Liberal Candidate for Keysborough which, covers Dingley Village, I believe the proposal for an 800 plus housing development on the pristine Kingswood Golf Course land should be rejected.

Further, I believe that the golf course should be rezoned to Green Wedge to protect this pristine parcel of land, teaming with native wildlife for future generations.

If more housing is required in the area, there are options for less pristine and environmentally sensitive land to sustain lower density housing – perhaps rural living options to preserve the village and rural character of the area but also accommodate growth.

The current proposal does not respect Neighbourhood Character , would generate huge increases in local traffic and place greater pressure on local infrastructure.
But most importantly, once this valuable environmental asset has been lost, it will be lost forever.

I stand with the residents of Dingley in rejecting this proposal and encourage all residents to have their say to protect the unique village character of the area.

Click HERE to object to the removal of 21 more trees

What trees?

Just 30 left?

Chainsaw over 19,000 trees?

The developer's statements are rubbery.

At one of their displays their contractor admitted to a number of concerned residents, that just 30 native heritage trees would be saved!
The developers are delighted that council only classifies flora as a tree if it is 1.1 metres in circumference near its base!

So expect scorched earth, years of dust, unbearable machinery noise, scared snakes and other wildlife in backyards, thousands of birds displaced or killed!

The developer and council do not recognise thousands of native trees like above as a tree, despite being over two storeys high!

Click on the
Facebook logo and join
our Save Kingswood
Facebook page


The developer's mad quest is to seal the natural flood plain and build mighty dams to try to avoid the inevitable floods over Dingley Village.

Did the information in the Save Kingswood link below cause the destructors (developers) to change from “all the utilities are OK” to “We will pay $15 million for flood avoidance works” ?

Massive "scorched earth" retarding dams will not avoid flooding! The plans clearly show the area is a natural flood course and they want to seal the 54ha sandy loam soak to the aquifer!

See our photographs for the flooding that occurs BEFORE they seal the area with roads, footpaths and flats.

Click HERE for more on the floods they will cause

As we are giving prior notice, can we sue if their works result in floods?

Click on the Aircraft above for more.
Thousands of Aircraft do circuits over the Golf Course every week. Creating noise and safety hazzards.
Houses shake as helicopters roar overhead, Passenger Jets and all aircraft need a safety zone.

Residents have to turn the volume up on their Televisions at times. On the best days having windows open or having outside activities invites excessive noise.

But nothing is more important than SAFETY.

There is ZERO Net Community Benefit for Dingley Village.
How many Birds, Animals, Reptiles and other creatures like frogs will be killed or displaced by the destruction of Dingley Village's Kingswood Central Park?

Answer: more than 90 percent!

It appears the developers have grossly underestimated the vast Flora and Fauna affected!

Nearly 20,000 Trees are DOOMED!

They are keeping just 33 trees!
May 18, 2018
Golf course news - Victoria Golf Club

Recently Victoria Golf Club announced that they will be undergoing a Greens Replacement Project, which will see their course closed for the months of August and September.

VGC explored opportunities for their members to play at other courses during this time, with an arrangement being made to provide their members access on the quieter week days at the Kingswood site, as well as a small selection of times on the weekends.

Full details of the arrangement between the two clubs will be disclosed in the coming weeks.

Rumour has it:
Kingswood's lease has been extended to April as Peninsula's new building is still not ready

Synopsis of an article in The Herald-Sun, June 25th, 2018

Health Minister Greg Hunt said that urban expansion was putting the environmental zones under pressure.

"A proactive approach is needed to manage these pressures appropriately and to ensure the scenic and natural qualities of these areas are not eroded over time," he said.

Urban expert and RMIT University emeritus professor Michael Buxton lashed out at state government planning changes which he said allowed "three-storey McMansions" to be built

"This is a repeat of the same height strategy in suburban Melbourne that has led to a major surge in large oversized housing taking up all of the housing allotment and dwarfing the neighbours," he said.

"This ultimately sees the disappearance of trees in urban areas and loss neighbourhood environment' and amenity (and) could lead to major urbanisation on the boundaries of the green wedge."

Click HERE for the full article
Fencing you in!
It seems the developer tries to counter all our objections, with a fence to be built around the perimeter soon. Is that due to our fears of snakes and lizards in over 130 backyards?

Can they legally build a fence without 130+ residents on the boundary each signing a fencing notice?

Is the fence going to go half a metre into the ground, to reduce the threat of snakes in backyards?
What will happen to this protected species? Moving them a short distance - as required by law - will result in their return!

Will the developers do the awful deed (fencing) before the outcome of their application?

Click HERE for Snake bite treatment for pets

Snake sign on the Golf Course

‘Fair way’ to go on golf course development
March 14, 2018 Neil Walker, The News

A PLAN to subdivide the Kingswood Golf Course into more than 500 residential lots has moved to the next stage after Kingston Council announced it has now formally contacted the Victorian Planning Minister to exhibit plans for public feedback.

Councillors voted late last year to begin the planning exhibition process (“Golf course development drives on”, The News 27/9/17) and mayor Cr Steve Staikos confirmed last week council has now written to state Labor Planning Minister Richard Wynne.

Council is seeking the Planning Minister’s approval to begin the formal planning scheme amendment process.

“For some time, the Dingley Village community have been keen to see all the details of the proposed development and to have their say on the plans,” Cr Staikos said in a statement.

The mayor said council will “widely advertise” the submission period of six weeks and will send a letter to Dingley Village residents if Mr Wynne approves the exhibition request.

The proposed Planning Scheme Amendment would:

• rezone the site from part Special Use Zone (Golf Courses) and part General Residential Zone to a General Residential Zone to allow for redevelopment of the site for residential purposes
• subdivide the land into 514 lots including six “superlots” and approval for buildings and works on lots of less than 300 square metres
• apply a new Development Plan Overlay to the site to guide the future use and development of the land
• apply a Vegetation Protection Overlay, Environmental Significance Overlay and Significant Landscape Overlay to protect significant vegetation on the site
• apply Environmental Significance Overlays to address any potential impact of groundwater contamination and landfill gas migration
“Council’s planning officers have been working on the application for almost two years to ensure that all required information had been provided by the applicant,” Cr Staikos said.

“Now the community will have the chance to assess the plans and have its say. Following that community feedback period, council is required to vote on whether or not they wish to refer the matter to an independent panel for advice.”

The planning application has been lodged by property fund manager ISPT.

“We’re pleased the process is moving forward,” ISPT spokesperson Anna Martiniello said in September when council first decided to write to the state government seeking permission to exhibit the plan to redevelop Kingswood Golf Course.

Save Kingswood Group secretary Kevin Poulter said nearly 1700 have signed an online petition against the residential redevelopment of Kingswood Golf Course.

“This ghetto plan is without precedent. Thereʼs nothing like it in a unique village like ours, and there is no net benefit for Dingley Village,” Mr Poulter said.

“Just horrendous ruination for no other reason than absolute profiteering. Crime is absolutely bound to increase and thereʼs a long list of disadvantages. There are almost no two-storey units in Dingley Village and they want to build hundreds of three-storey highest density units.

“Up to 1000 tiny units is so out of character, they would destroy an entire village and affect nearly 10,000 residents’ quality of life … nearly 150 homes would suddenly have shadowing and two-storey buildings overlooking their backyards.”

The mayor said there is still a long way to go in the planning process.

First published in the Chelsea Mordialloc Mentone News – 14 March 2018
In the News, Click HERE

     Kevin Poulter, President, Save Kingswood Group inc.

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Save Kingswood Group Incorporated

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